The Damage Done by Data Sea Monsters
A look at 4 cases where the "data sea monsters" combined to create devastating data damage for marketing departments and marketing leadership.
A look at 4 cases where the "data sea monsters" combined to create devastating data damage for marketing departments and marketing leadership.
Using a three-step framework based on the scientific method, you can apply your marketing data to content strategy and development.
Our company has made the Austin American-Statesman's Top Workplaces list, for the fourth year now. (Our secret? Creating a culture that benefits...
The trick to approaching marketing data is to view it as objectively as possible. Think like a scientist or a detective using this three-step...
Many of these monsters are culture-based, so your leadership will defeat help them. Here's a six-step plan to fixing data problems and righting the...
Just about every data-related frustration stems from one or more of these terrors. From vanity metrics to no clear owner, meet these data sea...
You might not realize how much data we’re surrounded by every day, or how quickly the data deluge is growing. Welcome to the Drowning in Data series.
Download our Digital Marketing Horror Stories ebooks: Paid Search Horror Stories, Display Advertising Horror Stories, or both in one ebook. No form...
In this video, "The Nightmare of Misaligned Goals," (un)Common Logic's Donna Lagow shows the horrors that can result when tactics and strategy don't...
Brands without specific images for text display ads got a nasty surprise earlier this year: automated image selection from stock photos. Behold the...
Display advertising metrics can work for or against you. Their Dr. Jekyll side has invaluable guidance, but Mr. Hyde can distort the results. Choose...
Programmatic display tools can put your ads on undesirable sites, causing the horror known as The Brand-Destroying Disaster of Damaging Placements.
We aren't your typical agency. Our superpower is the ability to deliver data-obsessed, analytics-backed results alongside a transparent, customer-centric account management experience.
5925 Balcones Dr. Ste. 130, Austin, TX 78731
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