Data & Analytics

Get All the Resources for Drowning in Data, But Thirsty for Insight?

Our “Drowning in Data, But Thirsty for Insight?” series doesn’t stop at blog posts. We’ve also created infographics, checklists, videos, a case study – even “trading cards” for our six data sea monsters! Get all the resources for the “Drowning in Data…” series here.


  • Drowning in Data, But Thirsty for Insight? captures all the information in this series in one place
  • Getting Data You Can Trust is essentially the first half of the main eBook, focusing on getting your company’s marketing data to a level of reliability and “cleanliness” where it can be deployed for strategic use
  • Applying Data to Content is the other half of the main eBook, focusing on the questions you can use on your clean, reliable data to determine content strategy



Case study

  • Dominating with Data shows how an enterprise company used data and a scientific approach to generate impressive results from an email list

Trading cards

  • The Six Data Sea Monsters – these printable cards can be used to start conversations about data issues, remind team members of the dangers of bad data, and more

All these resources are 100% free, with no form fill required. We hope you enjoy them!

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