Digital Marketing Strategy

Top B2B Industries Seeing Results in Digital Marketing

We see it all around us: people are more digitally connected than ever.

  • On average, people spend 6 hours and 37 minutes online each day
  • 67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally
  • 84% of CEOs and VPs use social media to make purchasing decisions
  • People have an extreme desire to connect with brands and want it to be a cohesive experience

In short, digital marketing has become more important than ever, as more people consume more media from more sources than ever.

As a business leader, you make decisions about your digital marketing strategy every day. We’ve seen many industries adapt their marketing strategies to capitalize on the ever-changing digital media age and many more that are thriving in the chaos of it.

We know every business is different, which is why our data-driven approach is customized for each client. We always start with your business goals and work from there to create your custom digital marketing strategy.

At (un)Common Logic, we strive to be a true extension of your business. That starts with our kick-off process, which includes a comprehensive discovery session where we ask over 100 questions to get to know your business. From there, we perform an audit of the account or website to identify quick wins and growth opportunities. Even though we often deliver great results quickly, we don’t just set it and forget it. We keep looking for uncovered strategies to help your business continue to grow.

Which Industries Are Seeing Significant Growth Through Digital Marketing?

While our digital marketing approach has been successful with clients in just about every industry over our 15-year history, we’ve seen increased demand lately for our services in some industries in particular.

Here are some of the top B2B industries we see driving big results from digital marketing recently:

1. Education SaaS – Technology plays a prominent role in learning, and a range of training, operations, enrollment, and student information systems have become critical to managing the classroom. With the ability to speak to specific companies and specific roles via digital marketing, Edu SaaS advertisers are able to hone in on their audience, tailor their message, and establish themselves as leaders in their domain.

Our team used SEO to grow organic pipeline revenue for an Edu SaaS partner by $19 million in the first year of our engagement together. Iterative segmentation and custom messaging helped separate its technology users from its prospects, a common challenge not only in the Edu SaaS space but in SaaS in general.

chart showing revenue pipeline and closed revenue increases year over year

2. Cyber Security – With the rise in data breaches and security risks for corporations of all sizes, cyber security is a critical component of any business’s infrastructure. As a result, businesses are increasingly looking to cybersecurity experts to help secure their networks and data. With the surge in security protection needs, cyber security companies are leveraging digital marketing to showcase their services and attract new customers. Employing a full-funnel digital marketing approach is necessary to address each stage of the customer journey, from awareness to urgent need.

Learn how (un)Common Logic used multiple campaign types and gated content to help our digital identity and security partner increase SQL volume 260% while decreasing CPL 64% in just two quarters.

chart showing increasing leads and decreasing cost per lead over 2 quarters


3. Healthcare SaaS – Communicating the value of a complex Healthcare SaaS solution can be…you guessed it…complex! As healthcare organizations continue to digitize, SaaS solutions play a key role in providing a centralized platform for patient information and diagnostics. With the digitization of healthcare solutions also comes the digitization of B2B SaaS marketing services. Narrowing down your target audience is always the first part of the puzzle.

Read how our team leveraged CRM data for our B2B SaaS partner to increase SQLs 68% quarter-over-quarter, leading to a $207k increase in potential revenue.

chart showing increase in leads and decrease in cost per lead

These are just a few of the top industries we see driving significant revenue growth via digital marketing.

Want to learn more? Read about how digital marketing can make B2B marketing easier for you, the importance of analytics, and tips for working with CRM data.

Contact us today to talk about your B2B digital marketing challenges and how we can help!

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