Do the Right Thing
What does "Do The Right Thing" Mean at (un)Common Logic? Read what Ben Liu, one of our Digital Marketing Analysts, has to say about it!
At (un)Common Logic, we consistently ask the tough strategic questions that lead to effective results. I recently re-evaluated many things in my life which led me to a life-changing career move. To find the right answers regarding what my next professional step would be, I had to ask the right questions. Questions like…
My journey wasn’t a simple process, but it led me to what turned out to be a simple decision: joining (un)Common Logic. Read on for ideas on what to ask if you are changing jobs – of yourself and of your potential employer.
This simple but pressing question wracked my brain in the summer of 2021, as I, along with thousands of other professionals, changed the path of my life in the midst of the “Great Resignation.”
Like many other people, the past couple years led me to think more than ever about the authenticity of who I am. Am I the kind of sister, daughter, friend, and professional that I want to be? If not, how can I get there?
Isolation pushed me to take an intentional look at my life and where I was spending my time, a high percentage of which was spent at work, at a job that I loved…but was burning me out more than I wanted to admit.
So I started to ask more questions. How was my job impacting my overall wellness? How was it encouraging balance in my life? Did I feel a consistent drive to be challenged?
These questions left me hungry and craving more. More opportunities. More challenges. More ways to make an impact. More ways to connect with others.
I. Was. Hungry. And I knew with total conviction that the more would lead me to feel more…me. So the hunt began to take the next step in finding a company to support my “more.” Which leads me to my next question:
When I crack open my old notebook filled with lists of pros and cons, interview notes, and job application musings, there’s a scribble-scratch list with my answer to exactly this question.
In my next position, I want…
And a 6th item was on the list that I’ll circle back to later.
This list became my north star, and inevitably led to me saying “yes!” to (un)Common Logic. To match up my wants & needs to a potential employer’s offerings, I had to ask the right questions. Questions like…
Asking these questions during my interviews at (un)Common Logic led to the big one…
Simply put, (un)Common Logic “ticked the boxes” of exactly what I was looking for in my next role.
(un)Common Logic’s Intensive 6-8-week training program, comparable to an MBA in digital marketing, provided me with an opportunity to further my education.
One of the great minds of (un)Common Logic is Dani, PPC Product Manager, “puzzler,” and trainer extraordinaire. Dani has over ten years of Digital Marketing experience and nurtured his passion for intentional problem solving in the halls of (un)Common Logic as one of the agency’s first interns in 2011. Dani was one of the first (un)Commoners to make an impact on me, as he facilitated some of the toughest lessons of my training program. His sense of humor: dry. His standards: tough. But the bar that he sets with the knowledge to support his standards drive you to want to achieve more.
“Training equals culture. When a company invests in your development, you will be invested in the company and its teammates’ development.” – Dani Vardi
Austin’s top PPC, SEO, and CRO experts lead, train, and guide our company, allowing me to be surrounded by people I can learn from.
Ever hear the phrase that something is just a stone’s throw away? Take a walk down the hallways of (un)Common Logic and you are always in the path of an expert that you can learn from. I share an office with Annie, Director of Client Operations. Annie will often jokingly apologize to me for reviewing data to herself, asking questions out loud with phrases like, “hmmm…now, this is interesting”. Annie’s internal turned external monologue has been the BEST learning tool as her wheels are ALWAYS turning. She is constantly thinking about how to best support her clients and new strategies to use to optimize their KPIs, and always gives me space to ask questions and pick her brain freely.
“There are so many ways to learn here, from teammates sharing learnings at our weekly meetings to ongoing trainings and lunch-and-learns. Our goal is to make sure everyone on the team is constantly growing their skills.” – Annie Duke
Intentional 6-month reviews, along with salary increases beyond industry standards, provide opportunities for upward mobility.
Continuously improving and becoming a better professional, organizer, teammate, and leader is important at (un)Common Logic. I’ve found mentorship from multiple leaders in the company, including Donna, our Director of Client Operations. As my direct manager, Donna works with me weekly to facilitate conversations that nurture my growth. From fielding technical PPC questions to ensuring that I am supporting my teams in capacity planning, Donna’s kind, warm, and inquisitive leadership style has pushed me to intentionally problem solve with laser-focused strategies.
My 6-month performance review with Donna was focused on growth, celebrating strengths, and next steps. I was challenged to review my performance not only in terms of client deliverables, relationships, and project performance, but in terms of alignment with company values. These values are the backbone of (un)Common Logic, and have guided me in ensuring that in growth I maintain groundedness, authenticity, and stewardship towards my teammates.
“(un)Common Logic holds performance reviews with each employee every 6 months. Teammates are evaluated on their job knowledge, results, and most importantly, on whether they uphold and practice company values. We’ve found that if our team is adhering to and living out the values, they excel not only in their roles, but more broadly in their lives. And that’s exactly what we hope for for each of our teammates.” – Donna Lagow
“Flex hours,” the option for remote work, and constant team collaboration lead to a fun, flexible work environment.
I love having the freedom to come and go into the office as needed. The choice to work remotely or be in office is totally up to my schedule, what’s on my plate for that specific week, and what will best serve the team. As an agency, teammates come into the office two times per week, with incentives, coffee dates, competitions, and socials on the books for weekly wind-down time. “Flex” time allows you to determine what time you come into and leave the office. Maybe you live a bit further from the office and Austin traffic is a thorn in your side. Or, maybe you’re a mother like Victoria, PPC Analyst, with sweet little ones who simply want more quality time with you. The ability to choose your work space, flex time, and in-office schedule takes some of the worry work out of…work!
“Being a dedicated mom that’s dedicated to her career means that no two days are alike. The flexibility we’re afforded at (un)Common Logic means that I get to make life work for all of the parts of who I am.” – Victoria Ruiz
The ever-changing digital marketing industry pushes me to be challenged daily.
We always start our agency-wide, weekly team meetings with our round-table discussions of weekly learnings. Anyone on the team can submit technical, strategic, or logistical learnings about their respective PPC, SEO, CRO, or analytics engagements. From GA4 transition insights to the discovery of new approaches to get the most out of responsive search ads, this platform for spreading the wealth of knowledge stands at the heart of one of my favorite (un)Common Logic values, “Always Learn and Try New Things.”
Josh, Director of Website Strategy & Optimization, created major waves with a brand new product offering at (un)Common Logic when he first pitched the benefits of conversion rate optimization in 2014. Fast forward eight years, and one-third of our agency is undergoing our second round of intensive, hands-on training focused on CRO. At (un)Common Logic, your knowledge and understanding are meant to be shared with others.
“Growth is only realized when you value the effort as much as the result. In the digital industry, changes are constantly occurring that are redefining how we can find and reach our client’s users. If we are not disciplined enough to prioritize research and development in our personal and agency-level settings, then we will quickly become antiquated and our ability to lead others will be hindered.” – Josh Cuttill
From the initial 12-week training program to the mentorship of seasoned, passionate leaders, pursuing a career in Digital Marketing at (un)Common Logic was the right fit for my professional growth.
Here’s my challenge to you: think long and hard about what is important to you in your next work environment. Ask your questions. Make your list. And if your list looks like mine, (un)Common Logic could be the right place for you to lean in on what sparks your hunger to achieve.
Speaking of which, let’s go back to the 6th item on my list:
In my next position, I want…
If you’re given the opportunity, how hard will you work to continuously learn and grow? Do you think you have what it takes to be (un)Common? Check out our job openings and send us an application – we’d love to talk with you!
What does "Do The Right Thing" Mean at (un)Common Logic? Read what Ben Liu, one of our Digital Marketing Analysts, has to say about it!
A digital marketing analyst describes how (un)Common Logic's team and company culture lives one of its core values, "Have the Right Attitude."
Constant change is part of digital marketing’s DNA. See what Kat Shenkan says about how we’re always learning and trying new things at (un)Common...
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